About PhoeniXclusivE

It’s cold out there in Grenoble so we bring you hot news to warm up your dead drunk cold body. And anyway, it’s better than quantum physics. Plus you will have the chance to practice your English, and it will be a change from your daily series watching. And on top of that it will make you happy, rich and famous (actually that will be us, but let’s not dwell on that, shall we).

So if you want to know everything and even some other things read this newspaper made by students for students (I assure you, there isn’t any underpaid chinese worker involved in the process…)

Art and Science

Artists and scientists don’t really like each other or maybe it’s just that they aren’t able to understand eachtother. But I think secretly artists are jealous of scientists and vice versa and they will never admit it. Moreover we often say that opposits attract each other and that’s exactly what happens between Art and Science.

That’s why they are intimately linked. A lot of artists use science in their art, for example geometrical paintings, chemistry in gastronomy, etc… And scientists use art as well, for good presentation. A person who was remarkably able to be as much an artist as a scientist is Leonard de Vinci. He was able to concilate both and that’s probably why he became so famous and will stay one of the most brillant persons who ever existed. One example of his projects I find very interesting is the double revolution stairway. It’s a pure mix of science and art.

Letter to the President

Even though there are a lot of problems in our economic system, I think the main problem is that people have everything to be happy but they aren’t able to appreciate it. A lot of middle class people think they are poor but it’s not true. It’s just that they always want more and tend to forget what they have, which is by the way a natural feeling but too exaggerated nowadays.
That said, there is a real crisis and the gap between the very poor and the very rich is getting bigger and bigger. I don’t have the answer to that problem, but with the little experience I have, I’ve observed that rich people tend to keep their money or spend it on stuff owned by rich companies (houses, expensive cars, boats..), and poor people spend more than they should just to pretend being rich (and they can’t be blamed for that). Money is meant to be spent, but in an intelligent way, we need to respect money and the power it gives.

About us

 The world I’m from is probably a very gifted one, not only on the financial aspect but realy on a family aspect, the people who raised me. First my father, who was an engineer for a long time gave me the way to think and understand how things work in general (I played a lot with Legos). But that’s not the only influence I had, both my grandfathers taught me a lot, for instance respect, and how to be respected, and just real life in general.
Then all the schools I’ve been to were state schools and I think that has a lot to do with the person I am today. I still have some friends that I met when I was 7 and stopped school at 16. I think it’s good to keep your feet on earth and that’s what I try to do.
I’ve always loved electronics and automatics. I also like to be in touch with the newest technology. That’s why I wanted to become an engineer, and by choosing a school like Phelma, which is a good school, but not the best in France, I think I’ll be able to learn the top technology and meet people who think the same way I do.