Ol(inp)iades : What the..??

  As you all know each year an event called the Ol(inp)iades takes place, it gathers all Grenoble’s INP and a few other schools . Overall there are three trophees to be won during the event : the first one is sports, the second is choreography and the third is supporter’s. This year the ENSE3 won the first, Imag the second and GI the third. Phelma finished second in sports and choreography. We were really close to knocking down the ENSE3 in sports this year because in the men’s category we won the basketball and ultimate finals, finished second in volleyball and only lost in rugby and soccer semi-finals. In the women’s category we won the volleyball final and finished second in basketball. So next year with a little bit more luck we’ll probably beat ENSE3 easily!

  However, the biggest deception is that we didn’t win the choreography contest. I think all schools agree that we were victim of some blatant injustice. It was obvious that Phelma’s choreography was the best… when they announced that Imag won first place we all stood speechless. “It’s not fair” one of the dancers told me, sitting on the floor crying. Just because Phelma won three times in a row the “Grand Cercle” felt obliged to give someone else the first prize this year, it really is a shame…

But one thing’s for sure, we all had a great time and got to know each other even better during the sports or artistic preparations. By meeting new people, we have bonded that much more, and we feel more part of the school now. Every single Phoenix inside us has been awoken… and next year we’ll be back, showing no mercy!


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