Dear Mister President

Grenoble 06/12/2011

Dear mister president

As you might know the first economy in the world is (maybe not for very long as China is growing) the USA. Maybe we should learn from them a little bit. As they seem to be more efficient than we are we should be inspire by them.

So what could it be that is working better for the USA than for the European Union?

To my mind we should focus more on how to take advantage of the euro and of the euro zone instead of wasting our time, money and energy to protect our own independence as a single country in the middle of a vast ensemble.

It’s time to kill the old E.U. and to start focusing on federalism and to accept you’ll have to give up on your one private power for the greater good. Without a federal unified E.U. we’ll never be able to make our voice count in a modern globalized world. Why the Chinese are tougher than we are? Because they are bigger, and are able to impose their ideas and wishes.

So even if the French don’t seem to want more Europe it’s your duty to bring them to see it’s the only viable way. If you’ll have to sacrifice your political credibility to do so, it’s the right thing to do.

Thank you for your time.

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