Art and science what are the links?

At first it sounds like a pretty odd question but in fact it’s a very interesting to look into it.

For an outsider Art is the opposite of science, Art is a way to express feelings, to pass emotions on or to reveal something. On the other end, Science is supposed to be a very precise way to investigate nature and to explain it very precisely and calmly.
A scientist is supposed to be serious, clever and square, and an artist is supposed to be a fun guy with crazy ideas and always a little bit on the moon while the scientist is a down to earth guy.

It’s of course a fake vision of the world, not all artists are young and tortured and not all scientists are mad ones, wearing white coat and playing with glass tubes.

In reality art and science are closer than you think, they both appeal to a way to look at the world a little bit differently from the usual way. To “make” art you’ll have to tell the world something about yourself, to “make” science you’ll have to tell him something about himself. To achieve that you’ll need to be as creative as any artist to invent a new way to look a phenomenon you want to explain.

The way you try to invent a theory is very close to the way you create a piece of art you’ll want to give the world. Both are a creation of mind thinking outside of the box, in a more demonstrative way for an artist but nonetheless amazing from a scientist.

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